Saturday, March 1, 2008

A Yardwork Weekend

These past weekends have been filled with this lovely thing my dad calls yardwork!! And, as his daughters, my father so lovingly calls us his "slaves." We have recently been mucking out, and cleaning our bomb shelter for the future use of an "Interview Room." Why I am actually assisting with this, I do not know. But he has chosen to use a product called "DamTite" to prevent water from leaking through the ceiling. To irritate my mother, my dad has asked me, "how tite are you?" to which i respond, "Damtite!" It received alot of scolding, as expected, and we are banned from saying it again. Here are some preview looks and what the future room (who know what it will be used for) looks like at the present.
Rebecca very much enjoyed mucking out the old rusty tiles and mud. (:
The entryway to our cave of despair.
Stay tuned for more interesting(and slightly muddy) updates on *scary background music*
The Cave.


Genny said...

Upon seeing the condition (muddy) of these children (very dirty) entering the house after their work, I am convinced there are worse places to be on a Saturday than stuck on the couch sick.

Barb said...

Katherine, helping your parents (or at least your father) with yardwork is a rite of passage for children everywhere. Just be glad you guys can have fun in the process. And I hope that bombshelter remains Damtite.

Paige said...

umm, that's a kinda scary room, but I agree with your dad, it's damtite! hehehe.

Peas on Earth said...

Okay ... I laughed out loud, you "naughty" girl! :-) I had no idea you guys had such a room .... scary. I guess I am glad to see that it is actually empty. Enjoy the cleaning!

Peas on Earth said...

Oh, and by "interview room," do you mean, "Interrogation room??" It just has that look. But you won't get anything out of me. My lips are sealed ... DamTite. ;-)