Friday, July 29, 2011

Oh Life.

Why does it always get to be so difficult?

Why are we so blessed as to struggle and cry and whine and get hurt and hurt others?

There are always two sides to every story, and usually both end in irritation or anger.
It is so easy to get angry. Or, even worse, vengeful and bitter. We want others to suffer because we are obviously right. Right? Or wait, what if, just for a moment we think of that one other. Why did they choose to do those things? Because they want someone else to feel their pain. Sharing pain is a very dangerous thing; there is a large difference between sharing a friend's burden and pushing your own onto another.
Every day I get angry at someone. Every. Day. And I usually just think angry thoughts and take out my frustration on a facebook status, or to my friends.
But recently I've been reading a book called Crazy Love. And though it hasn't really changed any of my already present beliefs it HAS helped me realize how I can fulfill them. I was saved by an ever gracious God. Who the heck am I to cast my anger on others when I do the same things? So instead of brooding, I'm trying to just pray. Pray to a God who knows who was right, who was wrong, and loves the both of us anyways.
I've never tried or pretended to be perfect, and a lot of my word choices and decisions are wrong. I'll be the first to admit that.
Recently, a facebook status was aimed at me in a very "low blow" kind of way. I was angry. Infuriated. Ready to go commit some vandalism or something. But you know what? It doesn't matter. This, crazy and unconditional love I have, still needs to be pointed at this person, and every other person I come in contact with. They may be right, I may be right. It's all in the eye of the beholder. So, in all of my unnecessary self righteousness, I'm sorry.
I make mistakes, and it disappoints me that such things need to be said on facebook instead of to my face.
