Friday, December 14, 2007


As I hear a faint sound in the distance, my mind slowly awakens back into reality. My cellphone alarm is ringing. My feet cry with misery as i walk across the chilled wooden floor to stop the consistent alarm. Turning it off, I sigh and realize I havent studied for history very much, and I havent looked at math yet. Grabbing my clothes, I get dressed quickly to preserve the warmth I still have from bed. Pulling on my shoes, I quietly tiptoe to the bathroom to wash the sleep from my eyes. Looking into the mirror, I am shocked to see my hair darker and straighter than usual. Oh, wait, I actually fixed it last night. But intstead of brown hair, it is black D: Then I remember last night, when I realized my mistake of picking a color that was too dark. I finally rush downstairs to unload the dishwasher before I leave. Stepping out into the brisk morning, I groan and the cold sets in. Getting to school I immediately go to my room and talk to Sharon. The dreaded bell rings and the day has begun. After two finals, my brain cant take it anymore. Then I realize, today is the last day!!!! Im out of school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!