Thursday, December 13, 2007

another day in the ever so boring life...

Well, I started off my amazing and thrilling day with a cup of coffee, fresh breakfast of eggs and bacon, and finishing a good book i was reading. NOT. i wish. Unfortunatly the only part that is true was the cup of coffee, and it was half a mug leftover from my mom's pot of it. After my luxurious non-breakfast and half cup of coffee, i made my way upstairs to work on an unfinished puzzle that distracts me from the stuff i actually should be doing. :) Then my conscience told me to get my lazy butt up and study for my exams tomorrow. Too bad my conscience quit after i took one glance at the outlines. I decided that it would be a perfect opportunity to clean my room!(which my mom has been begging me to do forever)

since then, i have worked on my puzzle, watched some tv, and worked on my puzzle some more. But wait, wasnt i supposed to be studying? Oh ya. Must have forgotten. Oops :)


Ian said...

who needs to study, anyway?

besides me, of course.

Genny said...


Mom : )

Barb said...

Whatever happened to your decision to "actually study for finals this year"? I'm sure you'll do great anyway, and your mom was probably thrilled with your clean room. I need to do that myself.