Thursday, January 17, 2008


5th place
im just not a people pleaser.
welcome to my life
my life as a 5th place artist


Melissa said...

Well, I think this picture was amazing and you are brilliant - not 5th place material by any stretch of the imagination (and I'm not just saying that because you are practically like my own kid.) I have serious questions about the minds of those judges. Real, normal people like real art and they are the ones who are going to be buying your art or paying you for your artistic and design skills one day soon, so keep it up.

Barb said...

Fifth place is nothing to turn your nose up at. It's still amazing (though I know it's disappointing). But congratulations anyway. And your picture is amazing. I look forward to seeing it with its prize ribbon at the Stockshow next weekend.

Peas on Earth said...

WOW! That picture is absolutely amazing! I know you're disappointed, but just because you got a 5th place award doesn't mean you are a 5th place artist by any stretch of the imagination. You have a gift, girl. Great job!!!


Paige said...

Your picture is so amazing! I can only draw stick figures and cute little flowers so your talent amazes me. 5th place is disappointing, I know, but that can't take away the fact that your picture is great and one day when your art is famous, everyone will laugh about the crazy judges who gave the brilliant Katherine a 5th place finish. What were they thinking?! Clearly, they were not.

Genny said...

Wow...I'm glad to read so many nice comments from people who are not this girl's parents. It's so refreshing to see people who appreciate good artwork. Not that I'm biased or anything. And, really, we're talking 5th place out of what? hundreds? thousands of entries? Yeah, probably thousands.