Thursday, August 28, 2008

complain, complain...

Well people, I have been hounded, and I mean, hounded to do a new blog post! Helloooo
it was summer people!!! Do you think I spend my time on the computer when I have a pool in my backyard?!?! ok yes a little...but still. Mission trips and youth camps!!!vacations and trips to san antonio!!! The occasional tc at starbucks!!!Should I have written about these things? maybe. Was I spending my time better not doing anything at all? no. Did I have a camera to document these things? NO!! it broke!!!!! D: Anyways to all you ladies who have nothing better to do than read a blog about my somewhat exciting but mostly boring life, well there's just something wrong with that. So maybe instead of sitting at your desk mumbling about me not doing a post since may, you should get off your blessed assurance and go by Katherine a camera thus inspiring her to blog and take pictures of the things she does!!!hooray!!problem solved!!!!



Genny said...


Michele Davis said...

oh my! someone needs another TC I see... ;)

Barb said...

LOL, Genny!

And Katherine, some of us don't have a choice but sit at a desk/ computer all day long. And I'd much rather read a post on your blog than all the NT theology Dr. Wolfe assigned to me, but you FAILED me!!!

So, get that camera fixed, and get to taking pictures and posting! It's more fun than homework, I guarantee!

Anonymous said...

For the record, you never once swam the entire time I was at your house. Okay, well, you did go to a swim party. Whatever. You were, however, on the computer. And, I was very grateful that you did not have a camera for the pushups and the block stacking with elbows in that silly game. But, I'm glad you're back in blog land. Your wit and sarcasm are truly missed. =)