Thursday, May 1, 2008

What do you want for your birthday?

This question has been haunting me for the past weeks because apparently, I am not outspoken enough. I would like to take this time to apologize for being happy with what i have and not being demanding enough. So inspired by all you wonderful people who posed the question, here are things that i like/want/wish for.

I like pictures. It sounds cheesy, but I love getting pictures from people even if they cant draw worth anything. :D Some of my favorite cartoons are from my friends who aren't exactly right brained (if you know what i mean).

I love old movies/musicals. Anything from Annie Get your Gun, to Singing in the Rain, to Grease.

I love the mall.
It has so much variety and randomness.
I think one of those mall gift cards things could be nice. Plus it's a great place to spend time with friends goofing off and trying to find the red-headed guy and his tail. XD

I LOVE La Madeliene.
If you take me there for lunch you are definitely my favorite person at that moment. And you will be my favorite person ever if they happen to be serving mushroom soup that day. yummmmmm

I like time well spent.
Hanging out with friends, making inside jokes that are so stupid we can laugh over them forever, and just being myself.

I like shoes.
All to the exception of heels.
flats, vans, converses(preferable).

I like sharpies. You give'em, and I will put them to use. I even have a business, Kat's Tats. (will blog on later) I Can never have too many sharpies!!!

I also really want gel pens.
and not the lame kind. Gelly Roll is the best brand out there in my opinion all of their stuff it fantastic!

All this talk about me has worn me out. phew.


Michele Davis said...

I already have your present!! and it's pretty amazing! :D

Genny said...

I have some too! Will you accept them if they're not on this list?

Peas on Earth said...

Happy late birthday, K! I hope you got everything you wanted. I want to know more about that business of yours ... that sounds intriguing! =)