Sunday, April 6, 2008


1. Age I will be on my next birthday -

2. Favorite food -PASTA!!!!

3. Favorite color - red

4. A place I would like to visit - new zealand

5. Where I live - Fort Worth, Texas

6. Name of a past or present pet - Digger

7. One of my favorite places - My hammock

8. Favorite holiday - Thanksgiving

9. A bad habit - Procrastinating

10. Favorite animal - Rabbit

11. Favorite cartoon from childhood - Garfield

12. Name - Katherine( it's disgraceful how many inappropriate katherines there are in the world)

13. Favorite extravagance -la madaleine mushroom soup

14. A phrase I overuse - psh


Genny said...


Michele Davis said...

I'm pretty sure the picture of Sable was not the first picture on Google image search... ;)