Tuesday, January 22, 2008

school = despair

After a lovely four day weekend for D-Now, my life returns to normal. Normal means school. School means despair. Despair means depression. Oh, wait, wasn't that school thing supposed to help you learn? Prepare for college? So you can succeed in your future career? For some reason I don't see how learning civil war history will help me in the art world. And let me tell you, there is about a 100,000,000,000,000 to 1 chance I will end up teaching history. Yet still I attend day after day, freezing in my uniform too thin to keep me warm. What a wonderful life.


Genny said...

Yes, it's been that kind of day for me too -- 1/2 pound gained, flopped cakes, belligerent children, etc.

On the bright side, very impressive job of putting all those links in your post. I'll have to try that.

Melissa said...

You're too funny, Katherine, and so very clever with the linky things. Especially liked the despair one. Wasn't particularly crazy about History myself in school. Hope you have some undepressing moments in your day even with the whole school/despair thing.

Peas on Earth said...

Hang in there. If nothing else, all this builds character, and who of us couldn't use a little more of that?! =)

Barb said...

Sharon, I think we learned last week with the art contest disappointment that Katherine has enough character, she doesn't need more.
Katherine, I feel your pain. Though I must admit, these days I kind of wish I had paid more attention in history. I didn't think I was going to need it all either (I was going to be a county music singer), but God had different plans. Stick it out, girl. We're over halfway to summer!

Paige said...

An artist you may be, but you really never know when you might need that stuff again in the future. Like, if you end up being an artist in residence for the Smithsonian American History museum. Or working for the Kimball. Or selling velvet paintings of Elvis on the side of the road. I mean, I never thought I would need to know about volcanoes and earthquakes again, yet here I am teaching them. Hang in there!