Friday, July 29, 2011

Oh Life.

Why does it always get to be so difficult?

Why are we so blessed as to struggle and cry and whine and get hurt and hurt others?

There are always two sides to every story, and usually both end in irritation or anger.
It is so easy to get angry. Or, even worse, vengeful and bitter. We want others to suffer because we are obviously right. Right? Or wait, what if, just for a moment we think of that one other. Why did they choose to do those things? Because they want someone else to feel their pain. Sharing pain is a very dangerous thing; there is a large difference between sharing a friend's burden and pushing your own onto another.
Every day I get angry at someone. Every. Day. And I usually just think angry thoughts and take out my frustration on a facebook status, or to my friends.
But recently I've been reading a book called Crazy Love. And though it hasn't really changed any of my already present beliefs it HAS helped me realize how I can fulfill them. I was saved by an ever gracious God. Who the heck am I to cast my anger on others when I do the same things? So instead of brooding, I'm trying to just pray. Pray to a God who knows who was right, who was wrong, and loves the both of us anyways.
I've never tried or pretended to be perfect, and a lot of my word choices and decisions are wrong. I'll be the first to admit that.
Recently, a facebook status was aimed at me in a very "low blow" kind of way. I was angry. Infuriated. Ready to go commit some vandalism or something. But you know what? It doesn't matter. This, crazy and unconditional love I have, still needs to be pointed at this person, and every other person I come in contact with. They may be right, I may be right. It's all in the eye of the beholder. So, in all of my unnecessary self righteousness, I'm sorry.
I make mistakes, and it disappoints me that such things need to be said on facebook instead of to my face.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Oh dear.

People. People. People...

Stop what you may ask? Stop the ignorance.
Stop assuming. Stop not caring. Stop to think.

In a world of ever-changing and evolving appearances, status, and money it is unprecedented that someone can fully come to understanding everything. It's ridiculous. Yet still, because the world is changing, people must change with it.
Change is like a huge wave in the ocean that tosses you into a flurry of foam and salt water spray. Anger arises. You are now soaking wet and all your friends are laughing at you. How dare that wave think that it can push you around like that?! You are just here to wade and take a few baby steps into the massive expansion of water. Wait. Now that you're wet, the sun doesn't seem as hot anymore. It is the beach after all...hey look! The wave brought up some shells. Everyone else is jumping in the water now too...Oh wait. Weren't we upset about that a minute ago?
Life is sometimes a collaboration of events that seem detestable. The normal pathetic human is always whining about how hard and busy and exhausting their life is. But hold on, afterwards...these events don't seem as horrid. Dealing with people that are..."difficult" is one of these such burdens thrust upon mankind.
People are jerks. They don't think about what they say until it's streaming out of their mouth and into your pride, your look, your livelihood. Public forums allow anyone and everyone to roast whomever and whoever they please with no cost of their own. "It's on Facebook. It doesn't matter." Well, if you're attacking kind of does. Whatever you say reflects your belief and moral systems for everyone to see. Usually this hypocritical you are?! Oh good! More material to work with for more attacks. So what does one do to prevent this? Newsflash. YOU CAN'T. There are just some people that are destined to be an ever obnoxious wall post or drama queen. It happens.
So what can you do? Get over yourself.
Person 1: *whispers* Holy Cow! Did she just say that out loud!?
Person 2: But I love myself! I'm the coolest, smartest person ever! I have 1,087 friends on Facebook!
The largest thing lacking in today's society according, is restraint. People do not have the tact or intelligence to realize when to stop talking, texting, blabbing. I am in full support of sharing thoughts, music, beliefs,...pretty much anything. But (you knew there was a 'but' coming didn't ya?) when people feel the need to take private business or over-dramatization to the public feed, I have issues.
Now I know it's me. Sometimes you really do need to control yourself. I've seen multiple examples of people 12 yrs - 40+ yrs avidly making fools out of themselves. Everyone does it. Even I have the occasional complain moment. How can we solve this epidemic of stupid?!
Get off Facebook :p
Keep your business personal, and deal with difficult people in private messages or phone calls or meet with them or send them an email or write them a song....the list goes on and on! It is possible I promise.
And for all you fiestypants out there who feel like I'm totally wrong...bring on the attacks...just do it in a message or text please.



Thursday, March 24, 2011

Oh Thy Beaver with Buck Teeth.

An epidemic has spread across Texas.

Something so indescribable that it can only be shown by photo.

Dun dun duuunn.


Why am I craving beaver nuggets? Or buying this tshirt with a beaver in a ball-cap? WHY?!

Some people might ask...and many do, why in the world do people alter their roadtrips just to stop at this gas station?

The bathrooms.
I know you just laughed.
You just chuckled at this ridiculous idea that people change their direction to use these porcelain thrones.
I am, as always, completely serious. So serious, that ABC news even did a special on it. Their bathrooms are so nice it's NEWS! (how depressing does that make you feel!) I know you still have your doubts. So I'm here to prove it to you.
SEE! What now! HA! Told you so.
What amuses me is that people are endorsing these lovely bathrooms all across Texas. Not a day goes by that I don't see that...adorable beaver grinning his buck teeth at me from a cotton camiseta (yeah. I just said that). People! Texans think Buccee's is cute! They wear the tshirts and the pajama CLASS. Where people can SEE them! Geez Louise.

And if that wasn't enough, people dress their dogs in Buccee's (don't believe me? Go check out the fan photos on the website). We can thank this viral fashion statement to Beaver. Good 'ol Beaver. Owner of Buccee's. It takes a brave man to be proud of a name like that. I mean...what were his parents thinking?!

Buck(dad): woah momma...we dun be havin a baby!

Sally May(mom): oh mah staars! what oar we gunt to naim it?!

Buck: Weeell...i dun saww one of dem beeverrs makin a dam dis mornin whilst i wus fishin.

Sally May: my child be naimd beever! we bettr chainge der spellin so it be mor sofistikated!

Buck: weel den beaver it is!

I rest my case.

munching on some beaver nuggets,


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Oh dear.

So...I ashamedly step foot into the arena of blogging yet again. With my head low I make absolutely no promises to continue on this journey I set out for so many times only to be submerged in a non-blogging life.

I have recently been told that I have a mini following on facebook statuses, and have decided to embark on another (hopefully complete) weekly blog(for my fans ^_^).

I'm not sure yet what future posts may hold, but I can promise that they will most likely be intuitive and laced with sarcasm.

To all you lovely readers out there,
I shall try my hardest to keep up this blog for the sake of mankind....and my mom :D

thanks and axe 'em,